From his little pot to spit blue /
And not wait for the one month anniversary /
Have not tried to see if something is missing? /
If you plus the rest of the world is satisfying? /
Ow I know this novel in which the critic of all the turns critic
me /
No, am not a child before you say /
I live life and you have no idea what this /
It's that simple to complex I get along well and you just know your routine /
It's that I appreciate and respect the old new but you're so out of it
ever noticed? /
You said it felt good to me /
And before you want to make myself believe changed /
And when I saw it was only one second /
Have not seen this movie somewhere? /
Or do you really think I fall into that conversation over and over again? /
No, am not a child before you say /
I live life and you have no idea what this /
It's that simple to complex I get along well and you just know your routine /
It's that I appreciate and respect the old new but you're so out of it
ever noticed? /
You failed the test /
Your truck and not the account is not tuned /
You have no swing, not even /
But I'm not mad at you, forgive you until /.
So will it going! Go before I tell your little secret /
No, am not a child before you say /
I live life and you have no idea what this /
It's that simple to complex I get along well and you just know your routine /
It's that I appreciate and respect the old new but you're so out of it
ever noticed? /